It 'made with a mix of polymer clay on an armature iron refers to a skeleton of 18 cm, the entire structure is 20 cm. E 'painted with Genesis, the eyes are made by hand, painted and then inserted, the hair is silk, the dress is decorated with snakeskin watermarks and watch components, as well as wings. The base is building the steps of a spiral staircase around a blown glass hourglass. The steps are paper mache, painted with acrylic paints and crackle effect from white (birth and life symbolized by an egg) to black (death, represented by ash).
The work is inspired by Nietzsche's cyclical conception of time in which everything is destined to repeat itself: Kanak, my fairy time, is when, following the steps of 'existence, he realizes "the eternal return of equal ". The entire structure can also be turned over and walked back from the fairy.
The sonon jets were made with fishing line and droplets of vitrification (Maimeri: the only one that is perfectly dry and transparent does not deform the 3D effect !!!!), for the spray I used the resin of the printing (glazing paint), then I used to assemble the two-component adhesive that dries transparent Pattex fairly quickly and is hard and transparent lacquer as the glazing, then retouched and "mixed "all the while with Maimeri
And here is my fairy time on its new base
Work in progress:
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